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Mantova Collezioni Antiche

Gonzaga coats of arms

The presence of the crest symbol with a Great Dane wich has bat wings can be certainly referred to Ludovico II Gonzaga, dating the coats of arms after 1470. A note from the 19th century briefly lists some sculptures removed from the church, including two ‘marquis marble rectangular’ coats of arms
that identify with those exhibited here. The mouldings on the slab also display features that can be compared to the ovoli decoration that delimits the lower curl of the volute corbel.

The excellent state of preservation proves that it was sheltered from the weather. One might prudently consider the location to be the vestibule of the lower church.

Dove vedere quest’operaWhere to see this work of art
Tempio Leon Battista Alberti

second half of the 15th century

Other works of art of the Tempio

Announcing Angel, St Paul, Evangelist, St Peter, Holy Virgin

Composite capitals from Sant’Andrea

Marble fireplace frieze
