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Tempio Leon Battista Alberti

The MuMM

The MuMM is the museum structure within the Culture sector of the Mantua City Council.

In the framework of a coordinated, unitary, organized and systemic reorganisation of the civic museums and monuments management as well as of the collections owned by the municipality and preserved in the Civic Museums, municipal and non-municipal offices, with D.C.C. n.57/29.7.2003 the Mantua Museums and Monuments Office (MuMM) was established at the Department of Culture, with relative Regulations (“Regolamento Ufficio Musei e Monumenti”).

The MuMM, (art.1), ‘comprises the network of museums and monuments listed below: Palazzo Te, Palazzo San Sebastiano, Teatro del Bibiena, Palazzo della Ragione, Tempio Leon Battista Alberti. The municipal collections housed in the Palazzo Ducale in Mantua are part of the MUMM‘ and other civic collections.

Art. 5 of the Regulation states: “the collections in the possession of the Municipality of Mantua are entrusted to the MuMM, which guarantees their care and management“.

The same article defines ‘specific activities for the care and management of the collections‘:

  • acquisitions for a quantitative increase and qualitative improvement of the collections;
  • inventorying and cataloguing;
  • periodic audits;
  • setting up of venues, with regard to permanent sections, temporary exhibitions and the organisation of consultable depots;
  • maintenance and restoration;
  • lending of works of art for exhibition initiatives.

Read the Regulation
