Courses for schools A.S. 2023/2024
For information and reservations please contact:
Museum and School Service
Tuesday Hours 09.30 -13.00 / Wednesday and Thursday 15.00 -18.00
Contact persons: Antonella Cancellara and Agnese Costa
+39 0376 338791 | +39 0376 367087
[email protected]
Courses for schools A.S. 2023/2024
For information and reservations please contact:
Museum and School Service
Tuesday Hours 09.30 -13.00 / Wednesday and Thursday 15.00 -18.00
Contact persons: Antonella Cancellara and Agnese Costa
+39 0376 338791 | +39 0376 367087
[email protected]
Junior Academy in the museum
A series of workshops dedicated to creativity, play and discovery.
The museums of Palazzo Te and MACA in Palazzo San Sebastiano will be the venues for experimenting with contemporary forms of language that speak to children and young people, giving them new keys to explore the city’s heritage through novel experiences.