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Tempio Leon Battista Alberti

Bust of a male statue

What survives of this male statue does not allow us to understand whether it depicted a standing or seated figure, in what attitude, what kind of dress he was wearing and whether there was any inscription that could identify him. Consequently, the context of origin, whether funerary or Templar, also remains uncertain. In any case, the statue was undoubtedly commissioned by a high dignitary capable of bearing the costs of its execution. The stylistic features of the bust refer to the 25th dynasty, albeit in imitation of Middle Kingdom models (2046-1794 BC). In particular, the wig repeats a pattern introduced during the Middle Kingdom, when the use of a wig very much lowered on the forehead became widespread among men, whose locks, almost parallel to each other, thicken and run horizontally on the forehead, then thinning and assuming a progressively vertical course, descending from behind the ears just beyond the shoulders and thus giving rise to a central fish-bone parting. Real hair, in this case, is visible at the ears. The cut of the eyes, profiled with cosmetic, and the eyebrows also seem to confirm this dating.

Dove vedere quest’operaWhere to see this work of art

Third Intermediate Period, 25th Dynasty (c. 746-655 BC)

Other Works of art from this Exhibition

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